John Scalzi Sub Press The Last Colony double-signed remarqued 1st edn 1st print
Subterranean Press limited first edition, first printing - in new/unread condition.
This is a PC copy signed by John Scalzi, signed and remarqued by Vincent Chong
John Perry and Jane Sagan--soldiers in Old Man's War and The Ghost Brigades--have laid down their weapons and as husband and wife has started a new life on a sleepy colony world. But when the Colonial Union shows up at their door and asks the two to lead a new colony, the two find themselves in the stars once more, leading a fractious collection of settlers to a world called Roanoke.
But Roanoke is not what it seems--not what Perry and Sagan were told it was--and soon the pair are fighting for survival: Not only their own, but that of their colony, and that of humanity in an increasingly hostile universe. And as they fight for their lives, they confront another question entirely: Where does their allegiance lie? With the colony of Roanoke? With the Colonial Union? With their family? Or somewhere else entirely? A question with no easy answer--and no margin for error.
Hugo-nominated for Best Novel in 2008, this special limited edition of The Last Colony comes with stunning cover and interior artwork by Vincent Chong.