Margaret Atwood - Oryx and Crake first edition Folio Society
First edition, first printing - new and unread - sealed as issued.
How much is too much, how far is too far?
Jimmy shields his skin from the scorching post-apocalyptic sun by spending much of the day wrapped in a filthy sheet in his makeshift treehouse. Born before the world imploded, his body and mind are ill-equipped for this extreme environment, unlike the Crakers who have been bioengineered to cope. As Jimmy reflects on his all-consuming love for the elusive Oryx and his fateful friendship with megalomaniac Crake, we begin to piece together the chain of events that led to this catastrophic state. Bound in blocked textured paper with glow-in-the-dark varnish
Set in Dante with Neutraface display
360 pages
Frontispiece and 6 colour illustrations
Printed endpapers
Die-cut slipcase lined in blue paper
9½˝ x 6¼˝