Philip K Dick - The Complete Stories limited edition set (#1/250)
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The Complete Stories of Philip K Dick
5-Volume leatherbound limited edition Set – all numbered 1/250
Stories written 1947-1981
by Philip K. Dick
©2010-2014 Subterranean Press
Dust Jacket art for entire set by the incredible Bill Sienkiewicz
Approx 11 pounds of total book weight
Offered here is the complete 5-volume limited (numbered) set published by Subterranean Press. Vols 1-5 are all 1st leatherbound limited fist editions. The Sub Press release is complete with new wraparound jacket art by Bill Sienkiewicz. Additionally, the Sub Press production comes with a full chapter (each vol) of extensive story notes not in previous iterations, as well as a previously unpublished story AND uncollected story in volume 1. That's TWO very rare story releases. Many of these stories were transformed into larger novels as well as movies, and several were recently serialized and released on Prime as Electric Dreams. A great set gathering everything from this prolific and important writer.
Breakdown :
Volume 1 1947-1952 The King of the Elves: 1st limited leatherbound Edition. New in new dust jacket. 1 prev unpublished story, 1 prev uncollected story. Limitation number 1/250
Contents -
- Stability
- Menace React
- Roog
- The Little Movement
- Beyond Lies the Wub
- The Gun
- The Skull
- The Defenders
- Mr. Spaceship
- Piper in the Woods
- The Infinites
- The Preserving Machine
- Expendable
- The Variable Man
- The Indefatigable Frog
- The Crystal Crypt
- The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford
- The Builder
- Meddler
- Paycheck
- The Great C
- Out in the Garden
- The King of the Elves
- Colony
- Prize Ship
- Nanny
- Notes
Volume 2 1952-1953 Adjustment Team: 1st limited leatherbound Edition. New in new dust jacket. Limitation number 1/250
Contents -
- The Cookie Lady
- Beyond the Door
- Second Variety
- Jon’s World
- The Cosmic Poachers
- Progeny
- Some Kinds of Love
- Martians Come in Clouds
- The Commuter
- The World She Wanted
- A Surface Raid
- Project: Earth
- The Trouble with Bubbles
- Breakfast at Twilight
- A Present for Pat
- The Hood Maker
- Of Withered Apples
- Human Is
- Adjustment Team
- The Impossible Planet
- Impostor
- James P. Crow
- Planet for Transient
- Small Town
- Souvenir
- Survey Team
- Prominent Author
- Notes
Volume 3 1953-1954 Upon the Dull Earth: 1st limited leatherbound Edition. New in new dust jacket. Limitation number 1/250
Contents -
- Fair Game
- The Hanging Stranger
- The Eyes Have It
- The Golden Man
- The Turning Wheel
- The Last of the Masters
- The Father-Thing
- Strange Eden
- Tony and the Beetles
- Null-O
- To Serve the Master
- Exhibit Piece
- The Crawlers
- Sales Pitch
- Shell Game
- Upon the Dull Earth
- Foster, You're Dead
- Pay for the Printer
- War Veteran
- The Chromium Fence
- Misadjustment
- A World of Talent
- Psi-Man Heal my Child
- Notes
Volume 4 1954-1963 The Minority Report: 1st limited leatherbound Edition. New in new dust jacket. Limitation number 1/250
Contents -
- Autofac
- Service Call
- Captive Market
- The Mold of Yancy
- The Minority Report
- Recall Mechanism
- The Unreconstructed M
- Explorers We
- War Game
- If There Were No Benny Cemoli
- Novelty Act
- Waterspider
- What the Dead Men Say
- Orpheus with Clay Feet
- The Days of Perky Pat
- Stand-By
- What’ll We Do with Ragland Park?
- Oh, to be a Blobel!
- Notes
Volume 5 1963-1981 We Can Remember it For You Wholesale: 1st limited leatherbound Edition. New in new dust jacket. Limitation number 1/250
Contents -
- The Little Black Box
- The War with the Fnools
- A Game of Unchance
- Precious Artifact
- Retreat Syndrome
- A Terran Odyssey
- Your Appointment Will Be Yesterday
- Holy Quarrel
- We Can Remember it for You Wholesale
- Not by its Cover
- Return Match
- Faith of Our Fathers
- The Story to End All Stories
- The Electric Ant
- Cadbury, the Beaver Who Lacked
- Goodbye Vincent
- A Little Something for Us Tempunauts
- The Pre-Persons
- The Eye of the Sybil
- The Day Mr. Computer Fell out of its Tree
- The Exit Door Leads In
- Chains of Air, Web of Aether
- Strange Memories of Death
- I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon
- Rautavaara’s Case
- The Alien Mind
- Notes